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From Ancient Traditions to Modern Superfood: The Rise of Mushroom Blends

5 min

Incorporating an organic mushroom blend into your wellness routine can provide a diverse array of bioactive compounds, each contributing uniquely to overall health.  For example, many medicinal mus...

Feb 03, 2025
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¿Para qué sirve la salvia roja? (+5 Beneficios)

7 min

Si alguna vez te has preguntado cómo la salvia roja puede beneficiar tu salud, has venido al lugar correcto. Desde diabetes tipo 2 hasta colesterol alto, la salvia roja se ha utilizado durante m...

Nov 17, 2022
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Should I Take Ashwagandha or Rhodiola? (the difference)

5 min

Ashwagandha and rhodiola have been staples of ancient Indian medicine for centuries. Both of these powerful herbs boast a variety of benefits for the body and mind and are still widely used today b...

Oct 26, 2022
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Brain-Boosting Benefits of Gotu Kola

3 min

Better known as the "herb of longevity," Gotu Kola has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine [1].  Legend has it that one ancient Chinese herbalist lived fo...

May 11, 2022

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