PEAK MALE: The Most Advanced T-Booster & Men's Health Formula Ever Developed!
The Extraordinary Power of Adaptogen Anti-Stress Herbs to Protect Your Health Sets
Peak Male Apart from ALL Other T-Boosters!
The Ultimate Men’s Supplement that:
Attacks Belly Fat in 3 Ways
Gives All-Day Energy & Stamina
Increases Muscle & Strength
Boosts Sex Drive & Performance
Improves Mood & Mental Clarity
Relieves Stress, Promotes Great Sleep
Protects Your Health from the Dangers of Stress
Turns Back the Clock on Aging
The Extraordinary Power of Adaptogen Anti-Stress Herbs to Protect Your Health Sets Peak Male Apart from ALL Other T-Boosters!
You can compare peak male to other testosterone boosters
Here's what Lean Factor customers are saying.
from 5048 reviewsTop Reasons for Choosing Peak Male
Peak Male is the best natural T booster in the world and provides you a natural alternative to HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) with no harmful side effects
Peak Male is the only T booster that targets unwanted fat in 3 powerful ways because it includes powerful natural ingredients to fight fat and increase metabolism
All ingredients in Peak Male are safe and natural
You receive unmatched health benefits because of the anti-stress adaptogens, which help to protect your health like no other T booster can
Peak Male offers the best price in the industry for a premium T Booster. This alone gives you far more value than any other product on the market. You also get the amazing benefits from the incredible power of the adaptogens.
The choice is easy -- just compare Peak Male to other premium products costing $150 or more per bottle.
Our ingredients are scientifically validated by over 1, 200 leading scientists who conducted over 3, 000 scientific studies.
Adaptogens are advanced, highly researched, powerful herbs that are very expensive to locate and bring to you. These adaptogens are central to what makes Peak Male far more powerful than any other T-Booster.
Peak Male gives you the best 120-day satisfaction guarantee money back policy in the industry -- Just compare us to any other product out there.
Peak Male is backed by highly researched ingredients -- the same ingredients that have been taken by Gold-medal winning Olympic athletes, astronauts and soldiers for hundreds of years.
The Peak Male Customer Care support team is available to answer your questions and help you get the most from your Peak Male. Just call us at 800-818-7115 during normal business hours.

Energize Your Life With Peak Male you will Feel 10 to 20 Years Younger

Build Muscle, Strength, & Power
With Peak Male you can:

Boost Libido and Reignite Your Love Life with Peak Male

Peak Male Protects Your Health both from the Deadly Dangers of Stress & Low Testosterone
Research studies show:

Provides Powerful Stress & Anxiety Relief
Peak Male contains nature's most powerful anti-stress and anti-anxiety herbs. Specifically formulated to reduce all types of stress and the damage it causes as well as increase your resistance to stress. Stressors hit us continuously in the form of short term acute stress and long term chronic stress.
Whether the stressors come from toxins in food, drinks, medications, or the air we breathe – or are mental/emotional stress from work, relationships, financial issues – or physical stress from lack of sleep or too much exertion, they all have a cumulative effect that is damaging to the body in a multitude of different ways. Peak Male’s unique and powerful formula protects you from the serious, life-shortening health dangers all of these stressors can cause.5, 6, 24, *

Provides Powerful Stress & Anxiety Relief
Peak Male contains nature's most powerful anti-stress and anti-anxiety herbs. Specifically formulated to reduce all types of stress and the damage it causes as well as increase your resistance to stress.
Stressors hit us continuously in the form of short term acute stress and long term chronic stress.
Whether the stressors come from toxins in food, drinks, medications, or the air we breathe – or are mental/emotional stress from work, relationships, financial issues – or physical stress from lack of sleep or too much exertion, they all have a cumulative effect that is damaging to the body in a multitude of different ways. Peak Male’s unique and powerful formula protects you from the serious, life-shortening health dangers all of these stressors can cause.5, 6, 24, *
Energize Your Life With Peak Male you will Feel 10 to 20 Years Younger
Build Muscle, Strength, & Power
With Peak Male you can:
Boost Libido & Reignite Your Love Life with Peak Male
Peak Male Protects Your Health from both the Deadly Dangers of Stress & Low Testosterone
Research studies show:
Conquer Stress & Anxiety & Live a Healthier, Happier, & Longer Life !
Conquer Stress & Anxiety & Live a Healthier, Happier, & Longer Life !
Here's What Sets Peak Male Apart from Every Other T-Booster on Earth:
Adaptogens are rare herbs that were used by many ancient peoples going back thousands of years to:
Overcome Stress
Increase Energy
And boost the body’s resistance to disease
Strength & Stamina

Over a thousand years ago Viking conquerors used adaptogen herbs for greater energy, strength and endurance and to relieve stress before going into battle.
A Stunning Soviet Discovery!
Discover the Soviet Secret that led to winning an unprecedented 195 medals in the 1980 Olympics ...
Determined to win more Olympic medals than any other nation, the USSR discovered an astonishing way to gain an advantage over all its rivals, including the USA.
And how the discovery can now benefit YOU personally!

12 Ways Peak Male Can Boost Your Manhood & Protect Your Health
Peak Male® is much more than just a powerful men’s supplement. It’s also formulated to protect your health in ways no other men’s supplement does — including every T booster out there.* The true power behind the Peak Male formula is that it safely works to bring your body into balance.*
As a premium supplement (at about ½ the cost and 10x the benefits of the best options available), Peak Male optimizes a man’s hormones providing an impressive number of scientifically-proven benefits.*

Strengthens Your Immunity
The adaptogen herbs in Peak Male strengthen your immunity in two very important ways. First, they combat stress and protect your body from the serious harm stress can cause to your immune system.1, 2, *Hundreds of studies show that colds, flu, and infections of all types are directly linked to chronic stress— and adaptogens have been proven to help your body resist stress and the damage it can cause.*
The second way Peak Male’s adaptogens strengthen your immunity is by directly stimulating the production of some of the most powerful immunity cells in our body — cells that destroy foreign invaders.* These cells include 1, *: white blood cells (T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes) which fight infections, and.2, *natural killer (NK) cells, which are one of your body’s most powerful defenders against deadly diseases.* In addition, the adaptogen herbs in Peak Male increase interleukin.2, *and which strengthen the immune system’s response to viruses (and even much worse).*

Increased Energy, & Vitality & Less Fatigue
Peak Male supports long-lasting, sustained energy at the cellular, mitochondria level. Mitochondria are often referred to as the "powerhouses of the cell" because they are responsible for the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) which is the chemical energy cells need to survive. No energy = no life, so the importance of ATP in your body cannot be overstated.
Peak Male’s unique combination of adaptogenic herbs helps your mitochondria function at an optimal level and pump out healthy amounts of ATP, which reduces fatigue and keeps your body energized all day long with none of the jitters of stimulants.6, 7, *

Muscle, Strength, Endurance, & Recovery
Regardless of your age, Peak Male is specially designed to help your body reach a regenerative (anabolic) phase. Peak Male contains a synergistic proprietary blend called MAX T-Booster which works in combination with other supportive herbs designed to increase protein synthesis and support your most important "building" hormones, including your T levels, DHEA, HGH, thyroid hormone and others.
Hundreds of studies show that the herbs in the MAX T-Booster formula increase muscle strength and size; endurance and energy levels, and reduce muscle damage and inflammation— all of which help to speed muscle recovery. At the same time, these herbs are increasing free T levels and decreasing body fat percentages.1, 24, *

Powerful Stress & Anxiety Relief
Peak Male contains adaptogens — nature’s most powerful anti-stress and anti-anxiety herbs— which have been specifically formulated to reduce all types of stress and the damage they cause, as well as increase your resistance to stress.
Stressors hit us continuously in the form of short term acute stress and long term chronic stress. Whether the stressors come from toxins in food, drinks, medications, or the air we breathe — or is mental stress from work, relationships or financial issues — or is physical stress from lack of sleep or too much exertion, they all have a cumulative effect that is damaging to the body in a multitude of different ways.
Peak Male’s adaptogen herbs protect you from the serious, life-shortening health dangers all of these stressors can cause.5, 6, 24, *

Better Mood & Mental Clarity
Peak Male provides the perfect blend of time-tested, brain-boosting herbs which support healthy brain activity by specifically acting on the key neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine. These neurochemicals help improve mood, alleviate depression, increase mental and physical stamina; improve nervous system function, movement, endurance, and circulation which is important for clear thinking and a healthy memory.
A second way Peak Male improves mental functioning is by relieving stress, which is often the reason we have "brain fog". When stress is relieved, you can focus and concentrate much better, think more clearly, and enjoy a significant improvement in memory.7, *

Sound, Restful Sleep
Recent research shows that sleep quality is mainly governed by stress and hormones. And these are two areas where Peak Male shines for you. Peak Male utilizes a combination of relaxing, anti-anxiety herbs shown to help people fall asleep and stay asleep and wake up feeling refreshed and energized. This important benefit has wide-reaching health benefits.
In fact, poor sleep can have detrimental effects on the entire body and contributes to many serious problems, including increased risk of cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, a weakened immune system (which exposes you to many other diseases) and a shortened life span.8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, *

Circulation & Cardiovascular Health
Cardiovascular disease is the #1 killer disease of Americans today. A leading factor in cardiovascular health is nitric oxide (NO). NO is naturally produced in our cells and plays an important role in protecting against the onset and progression of cardiovascular disease.28, *It is absolutely crucial to heart and blood vessel health. Increasing nitric oxide not only supports healthy blood flow and circulation by relaxing and dilating arteries and blood vessels, it stimulates the development of new blood vessels (angiogenesis) for healing.
Nitric oxide production tends to decline with age, which is why Peak Male was formulated with specific ingredients proven to boost NO, promote good circulation, and support cardiovascular health.*

Powerful Anti-Inflammatory, Pain Relieving Herbs
Studies show that the adaptogens in Peak Male have exceptional anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. Extensive research has linked inflammation to nearly every modern disease.
Peak Male helps suppress chronic inflammation and supports a healthy inflammation response because the process of inflammation relies greatly on hormonal feedback. When this feedback is disrupted (by stress or metabolic syndrome), the immune system has trouble recognizing when and for how long to activate the inflammatory response.3, * This opens the door for numerous diseases.
Because Peak Male naturally helps your body balance hormone levels, your body can more easily respond to these normal physiological stages and prevent inflammation from becoming chronic.2, 4, 6, *

Rich in Antioxidants
Peak Male is loaded with potent antioxidants. That’s because all adaptogens are powerful antioxidants; however, very few antioxidants are adaptogens.
Chronic oxidation in the body can cause inflammation and a host of other health problems, including advanced glycation end products (AGEs). AGEs are formed when protein or fat combine with sugar in the bloodstream, and they literally cause every part of your body to age from your skin to your brain to your organs.
The powerful antioxidant effects of the herbs in Peak Male reduce oxidative stress and AGEs throughout the body which reduces the inflammation and the catabolic breakdown they cause.25, 26, *

"Clean House"at a Cellular Level & Rejuvenate Your Whole Your Body
Peak Male helps you "clean house"by attacking cellular-level "sludge". This harmful, sludge-like buildup is accumulated through everyday life and can cause a whole host of health problems including low energy, lack of motivation, accelerated aging, mental fog, difficulty sleeping, depression, headaches, weight gain, hormonal imbalances and more.
Peak Male works on the cellular level to clean out your entire body from your brain to your blood to your organs, to your hormone-regulating glands. Inner cleansing at this cellular level gets to the heart of the problem to strengthen and revitalize your whole body.27, *

Complete Hormonal Rebalance (Not Just a Man's T Levels)
Peak Male is leap-years ahead of even the highest quality and most expensive T-boosters available because it doesn’t just naturally and safely increase your T (including free T), it actually works to balance ALL your hormones.
Hormones regulate almost everything in your body, and when even one of them is too high or too low, health issues can arise, sometimes serious ones. There is a multitude of reasons why any of the 50+ hormones produced by the human body can get out of balance, and the longer the imbalance persists, the more problems can arise.
The herbs in Peak Male have been shown to be very effective in normalizing your hormone levels, which can bring your body back into the optimal balance.6, *

Boosts Metabolism & Burns Fat
Peak Male’s powerful blend of natural herbs is designed to boost your metabolism and increase fat burning, especially targeting the dangerous visceral fat that surrounds your organs. Peak Male is specially formulated to optimize the master metabolic switch in your body (known as "AMPK").
If your metabolism is sluggish and not burning fat at an optimal level, your metabolic switch may be "turned off". Our patent-pending formula contains a proprietary herbal blend, Metabo-Burn®, designed to flip your metabolic switch on and jump-start your metabolism.5, *
12 Ways Peak Male Can Boost Your Manhood & Protect Your Health
Peak Male® is much more than just a powerful men’s supplement. It’s also formulated to protect your health in ways no other men’s supplement does — including every T booster out there.* The true power behind the Peak Male formula is that it safely works to bring your body into balance.*
As a premium supplement (at about ½ the cost and 10x the benefits of the best options available), Peak Male optimizes a man’s hormones providing an impressive number of scientifically-proven benefits.*
Strengthens Your Immunity
The adaptogen herbs in Peak Male strengthen your immunity in two very important ways. First, they combat stress and protect your body from the serious harm stress can cause to your immune system.1, 2, * Hundreds of studies show that colds, flu, and infections of all types are directly linked to chronic stress — and adaptogens have been proven to help your body resist stress and the damage it can cause.*
The second way Peak Male’s adaptogens strengthen your immunity is by directly stimulating the production of some of the most powerful immunity cells in our body — cells that destroy foreign invaders.* These cells include 1 *: white blood cells (T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes) which fight infections, and 2, * natural killer (NK) cells which are one of your body’s most powerful defenders against deadly diseases.* In addition, the adaptogen herbs in Peak Male increase interleukin.2, * and which strengthen the immune system’s response to viruses (and even much worse).*
Increased Energy & Vitality & Less Fatigue
Peak Male supports long-lasting, sustained energy at the cellular, mitochondria level. Mitochondria are often referred to as the "powerhouses of the cell" because they are responsible for the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) which is the chemical energy cells need to survive. No energy = no life, so the importance of ATP in your body cannot be overstated.
Peak Male’s unique combination of adaptogenic herbs helps your mitochondria function at an optimal level and pump out healthy amounts of ATP, which reduces fatigue and keeps your body energized all day long with none of the jitters of stimulants.6, 7, *
Muscle, Strength, Endurance, & Recovery
Regardless of your age, Peak Male is specially designed to help your body reach a regenerative (anabolic) phase. Peak Male contains a synergistic proprietary blend called MAX T-Booster which works in combination with other supportive herbs designed to increase protein synthesis and support your most important "building" hormones, including your T levels, DHEA, thyroid hormone and others.
Hundreds of studies show that the herbs in the MAX T-Booster formula increase muscle strength and size; endurance and energy levels, and reduce muscle damage and inflammation — all of which help to speed muscle recovery. At the same time, these herbs are increasing free T levels and decreasing body fat percentages.1, 24, *
Powerful Stress & Anxiety Relief
Peak Male contains adaptogens — nature’s most powerful anti-stress and anti-anxiety herbs — which have been specifically formulated to reduce all types of stress and the damage they cause, as well as increase your resistance to stress.
Stressors hit us continuously in the form of short term acute stress and long term chronic stress. Whether the stressors come from toxins in food, drinks, medications, or the air we breathe — or is mental stress from work, relationships or financial issues — or is physical stress from lack of sleep or too much exertion, they all have a cumulative effect that is damaging to the body in a multitude of different ways.
Peak Male’s adaptogen herbs protect you from the serious, life-shortening health dangers all of these stressors can cause.5, 6, 24, *
Better Mood & Mental Clarity
Peak Male provides the perfect blend of time-tested, brain-boosting herbs which support healthy brain activity by specifically acting on the key neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine. These neurochemicals help improve mood, alleviate depression, increase mental and physical stamina; improve nervous system function, movement, endurance, and circulation which is important for clear thinking and a healthy memory.
A second way Peak Male improves mental functioning is by relieving stress, which is often the reason we have "brain fog". When stress is relieved, you can focus and concentrate much better, think more clearly, and enjoy a significant improvement in memory.7, *
Sound, Restful Sleep
Recent research shows that sleep quality is mainly governed by stress and hormones. And these are two areas where Peak Male shines for you. Peak Male utilizes a combination of relaxing, anti-anxiety herbs shown to help people fall asleep and stay asleep and wake up feeling refreshed and energized. This important benefit has wide-reaching health benefits.
In fact, poor sleep can have detrimental effects on the entire body and contributes to many serious problems, including increased risk of cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, a weakened immune system (which exposes you to many other diseases) and a shortened lifespan.8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, *
Circulation & Cardiovascular Health
Cardiovascular disease is the #1 killer disease of Americans today. A leading factor in cardiovascular health is nitric oxide (NO). NO is naturally produced in our cells and plays an important role in protecting against the onset and progression of cardiovascular disease.28, * It is absolutely crucial to heart and blood vessel health. Increasing nitric oxide not only supports healthy blood flow and circulation by relaxing and dilating arteries and blood vessels, it stimulates the development of new blood vessels (angiogenesis) for healing.
Nitric oxide production tends to decline with age, which is why Peak Male was formulated with specific ingredients proven to boost NO, promote good circulation, and support cardiovascular health.*
Powerful Anti-Inflammatory, Pain Relieving Herbs
Studies show that the adaptogens in Peak Male have exceptional anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. Extensive research has linked inflammation to nearly every modern disease.
Peak Male helps suppress chronic inflammation and supports a healthy inflammation response because the process of inflammation relies greatly on hormonal feedback. When this feedback is disrupted (by stress or metabolic syndrome), the immune system has trouble recognizing when and for how long to activate the inflammatory response.3, * This opens the door for numerous diseases.
Because Peak Male naturally helps your body balance hormone levels, your body can more easily respond to these normal physiological stages and prevent inflammation from becoming chronic.2, 4, 6, *
Rich in Antioxidants
Peak Male is loaded with potent antioxidants. That’s because all adaptogens are powerful antioxidants; however, very few antioxidants are adaptogens.
Chronic oxidation in the body can cause inflammation and a host of other health problems, including advanced glycation end products (AGEs). AGEs are formed when protein or fat combine with sugar in the bloodstream, and they literally cause every part of your body to age from your skin to your brain to your organs.
The powerful antioxidant effects of the herbs in Peak Male reduce oxidative stress and AGEs throughout the body which reduces the inflammation and the catabolic breakdown they cause.25, 26, *
"Clean House" at a Cellular Level & Rejuvenate Your Whole Your Body
Peak Male helps you "clean house" by attacking cellular-level "sludge". This harmful, sludge-like buildup is accumulated through everyday life and can cause a whole host of health problems including low energy, lack of motivation, accelerated aging, mental fog, difficulty sleeping, depression, headaches, weight gain, hormonal imbalances and more.
Peak Male works on the cellular level to clean out your entire body from your brain to your blood to your organs, to your hormone-regulating glands. Inner cleansing at this cellular level gets to the heart of the problem to strengthen and revitalize your whole body.27, *
Complete Hormonal Rebalance (Not Just a Man's T Levels)
Peak Male is leap-years ahead of even the highest quality and most expensive T-boosters available because it doesn’t just naturally and safely increase your T (including free T), it actually works to balance ALL your hormones.
Hormones regulate almost everything in your body, and when even one of them is too high or too low, health issues can arise, sometimes serious ones. There is a multitude of reasons why any of the 50+ hormones produced by the human body can get out of balance, and the longer the imbalance persists, the more problems can arise.
The herbs in Peak Male have been shown to be very effective in normalizing your hormone levels, which can bring your body back into the optimal balance.6, *
Boosts Metabolism & Burns Fat
Peak Male’s powerful blend of natural herbs is designed to boost your metabolism and increase fat burning, especially targeting the dangerous visceral fat that surrounds your organs. Peak Male is specially formulated to optimize the master metabolic switch in your body (known as AMPK).
If your metabolism is sluggish and not burning fat at an optimal level, your metabolic switch may be "turned off". Our patent-pending formula contains a proprietary herbal blend, Metabo-Burn®, designed to flip your metabolic switch on and jump-start your metabolism.5, *
Benefits of each adaptogen in Peak Male:
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Here's what Lean Factor customers are saying.
from 5048 reviewsPeak Male Product Details
Completely safe and all-natural
No harmful ingredients
No caffeine and no stimulants
All-natural adaptogenic herbal formula
Safe for long term use and no prescription required
Servings per bottle: 30 (120 Capsules)
Satisfaction money-back guarantee
Manufactured in an FDA registered facility in the USA
Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP)
No soy, dairy, gluten, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts or wheat
120-Day Money-Back Guarantee
We are confident you will be very happy with the results you gain from Peak Male. That's why we offer the industry-leading 120-day satisfaction guarantee.
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Guarantee: If for any reason you are not delighted with Peak Male, just return the unused portion or even empty bottles with your name and address within 120 days of your purchase date. Upon receipt, we will refund your purchase price, less shipping & handling within 24 hours of receiving your return (except on holidays and weekends). Refunds typically take an additional 3 to 4 business days to show on your credit card statement.
What sets Peak Male apart from every other T Booster and men's health supplement available anywhere?
Peak Male increases your T levels, providing scientifically-proven benefits such as: a decrease in belly fat, more energy, increased muscle mass and strength, restored libido and sexual performance, and better mood.
However, Peak Male is unique among all T boosters, because it optimizes ALL your hormones, not just testosterone. In addition, it’s formulated to protect your health in ways no other T-Booster can. That's because of its unique patent-pending formula containing anti-stress adaptogenic herbs.
“Adaptogens” are a highly-researched specific type of plant that has developed properties to adapt to the most extreme, stressful environments on earth. Thousands of scientific studies show these adaptogenic herbs pass their amazing ability to adapt to stress on to people.
Adaptogens protect your health and rejuvenate your entire body by helping you overcome the ravages of physical, mental, chemical and environmental stress -- while also restoring your endurance, stamina, energy, and vitality.
What will Peak Male do for me?
Peak Male can do many amazing things for you!
For starters, here are some of the most common benefits most people experience with Peak Male:
- Fat loss, specifically targeting abdominal fat -- Regulates your fat control hormones and boosts your metabolism to increase fat burning.
- Muscle, Strength, Endurance, & Recovery -- Regardless of your age, Peak Male is specially designed to help your body reach a regenerative (anabolic) phase.
- Sound, Restful Sleep -- Peak Male utilizes a combination of relaxing, anti-anxiety herbs shown to help people fall asleep and stay asleep and wake up feeling refreshed and energized.
- Protects your body from the life-threatening effects of chronic stress.
- Relief from stress & anxiety with the most powerful anti-stress and anti-anxiety, all-natural substances known to science.
- Reversal of the effects of aging by fortifying and rebuilding cells, organs, glands, bones, skin, muscles, and other tissues.
- Increased energy & stamina, less fatigue - Supports long-lasting, sustained energy at a cellular level by increasing ATP.
- Protects your health in 8 powerful ways.
- Better mood & mental clarity - Supports clear thinking, a sharp focus and a healthy memory.
- Circulation & cardiovascular health - Supports healthy blood flow and circulation by relaxing and dilating blood vessels.
- Hormonal balance - Supports and re-balances all of your hormone levels.
How does Peak Male work?
One of Peak Male’s most important jobs is to balance your hormones. This is because hormones regulate almost everything in your body, and when even one of them is too high or too low, there can be problems.
There is a multitude of reasons why any of the 50+ hormones produced by the human body can get out of balance, and the longer the imbalance persists the more problems can arise. The adaptogen blend in Peak Male has shown to be very effective in normalizing your hormone levels, which can bring your body back into optimal balance.6, *
For example, when your hormones are out of balance, your body’s stress systems are triggered causing weight gain, fatigue, muscle wasting, sleep problems, mental fog and more. Symptoms like these, and even much worse, are your body’s way of telling you that there is an internal problem going on and your hormones are out of balance.
This is where Peak Male goes into action to help normalize your hormones. When hormones are balanced, your body can get back to burning stubborn fat, increasing energy and reducing fatigue, improving libido, gaining mental clarity and helping you feel great again.
How does Peak Male help you lose fat?
Studies show that when some of your hormones are out of balance, your weight may be too. Two of these fat controlling hormones are testosterone and the stress hormone cortisol. Low testosterone (Low T) and excess cortisol leads to increased abdominal fat, making the fat even more difficult to lose through diet and exercise alone. This is especially true for the dangerous abdominal (visceral) fat that surrounds your organs.
Peak Male works by naturally and simultaneously increasing your testosterone levels and lowering your cortisol levels. This process blocks the storage of new fat and also reduces existing abdominal fat stores.3 Depending upon where your T levels are starting, it may take some time for your testosterone to build and start working in your system before this chemical process signals your body to use abdominal fat as fuel for your metabolic requirements.
Although some men report losing fat in the first few weeks, for others, it may take 30 to 60 days of consistently using Peak Male before they see fat loss.
We suggest you measure your waistline rather than stepping on the scale because testosterone not only causes you to lose fat around the middle, it builds muscle and bone (lean body mass) which weighs more than fat. Hence some people may even gain a few pounds while actually losing inches on their waistline - leaving them feeling leaner, healthier and in a better mood !
Are there any negative side effects associated with Peak Male?
Peak Male is 100% safe, natural and is not a drug. Peak Male contains no harmful chemicals, no synthetics, no steroids, no stimulants and no caffeine. There are no harmful side effects whatsoever.
Is it OK to increase the amount of PM capsules I take a day?
Because Peak Male is a completely safe, all-natural product, there is no danger in increasing your dosage if you want to. Some men like to take an extra capsule or two for extra energy and strength before a strenuous workout or to jump-start their testosterone production if they have very Low T. Other times you may want to increase your dosage are during periods of high stress or to help you see faster weight loss results.
When will I see results from Peak Male?
We regularly receive reviews from people having great results within 3 weeks and sometimes even sooner. Results vary widely among individuals depending on body chemistry, testosterone, and cortisol levels when first starting Peak Male.
Also, it is important to recognize that since Peak Male is an all natural, herbal dietary supplement, most people don’t see an immediate effect like medications often provide.
While results can vary, many people report, realizing increased energy and reduced stress from Peak Male within 2 to 3 weeks. If you have low energy and don’t see an improvement in about 3 weeks, we suggest you increase your dosage by taking an extra 1 or 2 capsules daily. Alternatively, if the 4 daily suggested capsules are too strong you can try 3 a day and see how you feel.
Because Peak Male is so much more than just a T-Booster, it is common for people to experience results which they don’t realize are attributable to Peak Male, such as: better mood and attitude, reduced stress and anxiety, better sleep, improved focus and concentration, more motivation, increased libido, less pain, and a greater overall sense of well-being.
Is Peak Male a testosterone or hormone pill?
Peak Male is not a testosterone pill and contains no hormones whatsoever. It is a completely natural blend of herbs and other nutrients. The herbal formula helps your body produce more of your own natural testosterone and/or make more of your own “free” testosterone bioavailable for your body to use. It does this by helping your body balance ALL of your hormones, not just testosterone. The herbs in Peak Male have been used for hundreds of years and some have even been used for thousands of years!
What is the difference between the testosterone a doctor prescribes and Peak Male?
Medical doctors prescribe what is known as “Testosterone Replacement Therapy” (or Testosterone Therapy) or TRT which is a form of HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) to treat Low Testosterone (Low T). TRT uses synthetic testosterone, which comes in several forms, including: injections, patches, creams and even a "gum rub".
There is a lot of debate about the safety of TRT therapies and their long term health effects. It is important that you go over all the risks and side effects of TRT with your doctor. Many of the side effects relate to a thickening of the blood which lowers oxygen delivery to the tissues. The potential TRT side effects include: heart attack, stroke, enlarged prostate, sleep apnea, blood clots, chest pain, difficulty breathing, speech difficulties, low sperm count, low HDL (“good”) cholesterol, acne, blood clots in the lungs, cancer of the blood.
Alternatively, Peak Male does not contain any testosterone, either synthetic or natural. Rather, it is a completely natural blend of herbs and other nutrients which cause your body to produce more of your own natural testosterone and/or make more of your own testosterone bioavailable to be absorbed and used by your body.3, *
Can I take Peak Male even though I am taking a testosterone prescription or other medication?
Many customers want to reduce the amount of prescriptions they are taking. Since Peak Male is 100% natural and is not a synthetic or an actual hormone, it is completely safe to take with your medications, including prescription testosterone. Before making any changes to your medication, however, it is advisable to check with your doctor. For best results, take your Peak Male at least 2 hours from the time you take any medications, including HRT or TRT.
What’s in Peak Male?
Peak Male is an ultra-premium, scientifically-validated adaptogenic herbal blend containing 38 potent active natural ingredients. At therapeutic concentrations, this formulation is specifically developed to attack stubborn belly fat and recharge hormone levels. With powerful bio-enhancers, Peak Male is the most potent rejuvenation formula available. Each daily serving of Peak Male (4 capsules) contains a potent patent-pending combination of 5 proprietary blends.
Supplement Fact