Organic Energizing Mushroom Coffee General Health Lean Factor 10 oz
Organic Energizing Mushroom Coffee General Health Lean Factor
Organic Energizing Mushroom Coffee General Health Lean Factor 10 oz
Organic Energizing Mushroom Coffee General Health Lean Factor

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Café Champignon Énergisant Bio

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Adoptez l'extraordinaire fusion du goût et du bien-être avec le café aux champignons instantané biologique, un mélange innovant de café noir colombien aromatique et trois champignons médicinaux biologiques renommés : la crinière de lion, le cordyceps et le chaga. Ce mélange de café unique promet la riche saveur du café noir dépourvu de goût de champignon tout en offrant simultanément les bienfaits thérapeutiques des champignons médicinaux, connus pour leurs propriétés protectrices, anti-inflammatoires, antioxydantes et stimulantes du système immunitaire (Li et al., 2018 ; Zhou et al., 2009 ; Cui et al., 2010). Conçu pour un plaisir chaud et froid avec une texture crémeuse instantanée, le café instantané biologique aux champignons redéfinit l'expérience quotidienne du café, offrant une combinaison inégalée de saveur et de nourriture qui s'adresse aux amateurs de café soucieux de leur santé.

Nutrients in Organic Instant Mushroom Coffee include:

  • Minerals: Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Selenium
  • Vitamins: Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, Beta carotene, Vitamin K
  • Phytochemicals: Beta-D-Glucans, Betulinic Acid, Flavonoids, Melanin, Phenols, Polysaccharides, Sterols, Tripeptide, Triterpenoids, Betulin
  • Fatty Acids: Palmitic Acid, Palmitoleic Acid, Stearic Acid, Oleic Acid, Linoleic Acid, Linolenic Acid
  • Nucleobases: Cytosine, Uracil, Thymine, Adenine, Guanine, Hypoxanthine,
  • Nucleotides: Uridine-5-Monophosphate, Adenosine-5-Monophosphate, Guanosine-5-Monophosphate
  • Peptides: Cordymin, Cordycedipeptide A, Cordyceamides A & B

Suggested Use: Mix two tablespoons (14g) with 6-8 oz hot water. Add sweetener, milk, or creamer as desired to enhance flavor.

Ingredients: Organic Cashew Milk Powder (Organic Cashews, Organic Tapioca Maltodextrin), Organic Instant Coffee Powder, Organic Mushroom Blend (Organic Lion’s Mane Extract, Organic Cordyceps Extract, Organic Chaga Extract, Organic Maltodextrin), Organic Stevia Extract (Debittered).

Origin: Formulated, Blended, and Packaged with care in Florida, USA.

How to Maintain Optimum Freshness
Our Organic Instant Mushroom Coffee Powder is packaged in airtight stand-up, resealable foil pouches for optimum freshness.
Once opened, push the air out of the pouch before resealing it to preserve maximum potency. Keep your powder in a cool, dark, dry place.

This product is 100% natural and minimally processed:
Taste, smell, texture, and color may vary from batch to batch. Go here to learn why our products may naturally vary.

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Sources & References

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Product reviews solely reflect the views & opinions expressed by the contributors and not those of Lean Factor. Lean Factor does not verify or endorse any claims made in these reviews. Statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Michael R. (Austin, US)
Awesome coffee!

I wasn't sure what to expect but I immediately liked this product. It is thicker then plain coffee but I like the creamy texture without being grainy. I added some coconut oil and half and half without any sweeteners and it tastes great!

Organic Energizing Mushroom Coffee General Health Lean Factor 10 oz

Café Champignon Énergisant Bio

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Michael R. (Austin, US)
Awesome coffee!

I wasn't sure what to expect but I immediately liked this product. It is thicker then plain coffee but I like the creamy texture without being grainy. I added some coconut oil and half and half without any sweeteners and it tastes great!