Hidden for Decades . . .
“Discover the Closely Guarded Soviet Secret that Resulted in Winning an Unprecedented 195 Medals in the 1980 Olympics”

Communist Dictator, Nikita Khrushchev, 1960
To Conquer the World
And only one country stood in its way: the U.S.A.
It was a very dangerous time in history. The world was on edge as its two great Superpowers were pitted against each other in a frightening nuclear arms race and seemed to be teetering on the brink of World War III and the threat of nuclear annihilation.
The West never forgot the day during the height of the Cold War, when Communist dictator, Nikita Khrushchev, in a speech to Western diplomats, took off his shoe and banged it loudly on the podium in front of him as he angrily shouted:
Or the Cuban Nuclear Missile crisis when the Soviets placed nuclear weapons only 90 miles off the shore of Florida. A frightening, tension-filled showdown resulted as the US and USSR faced off in the biggest, most threatening confrontation ever -- a showdown that could have easily led to a nuclear holocaust. For 13 long days in October of 1962, the world held its breath, wondering if this would be the start of . . .

The Cold War could have led to a nuclear conflagration
World War III and Mutually Assured Destruction
No one really wanted war because both countries knew if they initiated a nuclear war, it would be impossible to destroy the enemy without also being annihilated themselves in the process.
Each side had a strategy designed to prevent an attack from the other. It was known as “Mutually Assured Destruction” (or “MAD”). MAD was truly a no-win situation, and some have speculated it might have actually prevented the Cold War from turning into an all-out nuclear war.
The USSR Found Another Way to Win
The Soviet Union’s goal was to dominate the world -- militarily, politically, athletically, and scientifically. But plagued by economic problems: poverty, scarcity, food shortages, and hours-long bread lines (think Venezuela today), the Soviets knew they couldn't hold a candle to the West's boundless economic growth and prosperity after World War II. Driven by a desperate desire to catch up with the West, the Soviets determined they would beat the West in another way:
by having the best performing (both mentally and physically), strongest, smartest and most productive people in the world, including: the greatest athletes, military, scientists, doctors, astronauts, and even chess players.
With this goal in mind, decades before the Russians started using banned substances at the Olympics, the USSR secretly hired a team of over 1200 of the highest-level Russian scientists, biologists, chemists, and physicians to develop natural “tonic substances” that boosted the performance of their elite personnel while adhering to strict health guidelines.
And these top scientists worked for decades on this top secret project.

An outstanding Soviet achievement: On April 12, 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first man ever to travel into outer space.

What did the Soviet Scientists Discover?
Over 1200 Soviet scientists conducted 3000+ studies on the effectiveness of adaptogens to increase human performance.
This "modern research" got an early start during World War II in an effort to increase stamina, strength, endurance, and performance of Russian soldiers who were thrust into the worst fighting conditions on earth.2, *
The Soviet Academy of Science studied 4000 different chemicals and plants and were the first in modern history to discover a small group of herbs that could greatly reduce stress and improve the mental and physical performance of their pilots, soldiers, athletes, and submarine crews.
But these amazing herbs were not new; they had been used for thousands of years in ancient Chinese (TCM) and Ayurvedic medicine and by other Asian and European cultures.
Yet they had never been scientifically studied . . . until the Russian scientists discovered them.
"The Soviets' pursuit of superior military strength, performance in the Olympic Games, political power, and the excellence of the well-known Bolshoi ballet mattered so much to them that whatever they could do to accomplish the goal of dominance was pursued."
– Adaptogens - Herbs for Strength, Stamina, and Stress Relief by David Winston

Their Research Was Extensive and Massive!
The Ministry of Defense conducted tests in the 1970s in a secret, sealed research city on the frigid plains of Siberia.5, *
The Soviet Union’s desire to be the best in the world fueled the scientific study of this specialized group of herbs for decades --- primarily from 1955 through
1985.7, *
This research became so powerful and groundbreaking that the scientists coined the term "adaptogen" -- which refers to protective plants that help the body adapt to and resist every type of stress -- including mental, physical, chemical, radiological, and environmental stressors.1, 10, *
Studies were done in many secret research centers across Russia where scientists conducted research for the military, sports and space programs.
Over the years, more than 3000 clinical trials and experimental studies on adaptogens were conducted yielding phenomenal discoveries!
Yet these discoveries remained a hidden secret from the rest of the world for decades!

Forbidden to Share Their Discoveries with the World
The Soviet government supported the scientific research of adaptogens because it shrewdly recognized that these herbs could provide the Soviets with an advantage in the sports and military arenas, as well as in medicine.7, *
The Soviet government wasn’t about to leak the secrets of increased human performance for the rest of the world to benefit from! They demanded the strictest secrecy on this carefully-guarded research, and researchers were under threat of imprisonment if they ever let the secrets out.
Because most of the 3000+ scientific studies were never translated from Russian into other languages, they were unknown for decades to other scientists around the world. When the USSR finally fell in the early 1990’s, much of the research was lost until recently being rediscovered.
Adaptogens Enabled Incredible Mental and Physical Results
Because of these well-researched and documented results, adaptogens became massively useful to the USSR at the highest levels of performance. They were used in the Soviet space exploration program, Arctic expeditions, high-level athletic competitions including the Olympic Games, World Chess Competitions, Soviet nuclear programs and in many other highly demanding and stressful circumstances.2, *
The Soviet government supported the scientific research of adaptogens because it shrewdly recognized that these herbs could provide the Soviets with an advantage in the sports and military arenas, as well as in medicine.7, *
Determined to have the best athletes in the world, When the USSR found a Unique way to gain an advantage over the US and other nations.

Using adaptogens, the Soviet Union was able to:

Now these same powerful Adaptogenic herbs used by the Soviets and proven effective in over 3000 clinical and scientific studies are . . .
Available to You in Peak Male!
And here are some of the things the adaptogens in our Lean Factor formulas can do for you: