Apoya la digestión saludable 
Lean Factor is committed to offering nutritional supplements engineered to enhance digestive well-being, a topic supported by rigorous scientific inquiry. Harvard Medical School Clinical Research Programs indicate that digestive health is intricately linked with dietary habits and gut microbiome composition. The World Health Organization (WHO) underscores the beneficial impact of dietary fibers on digestive wellness. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) concurs, promoting a fiber- and probiotic-rich diet for optimal digestive function. Traditional Ayurvedic Medicine recommends herbal formulations like Triphala, while Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) often prescribes ginger to support digestive health. National Institutes of Health (NIH) research has delved into the role of probiotics, which are prevalent in Western Herbalism, in promoting gut health. The Mayo Clinic Research Information Center advocates that lifestyle adjustments, including dietary modifications, are pivotal for sound digestive health.
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