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Powerful Eurycomanone and Tongkat Ali Root Extract

4 min read time

Tongkat Ali is Malaysia’s most popular medicinal herb.2   The herb is also known by several other names including: Longjack or Long Jack, Ali's Walking Stick, and Malaysian Ginseng. Its scientific name is Eurycoma Longifolia).

Safely used for hundreds of years, this ancient Asian herb is known as one of the best herbs in the world to boost testosterone, increase libido and sexual performance and act as a powerful aphrodisiac for both men and women.2  Tongkat also has numerous other benefits, including important health benefits.  

If you aren’t familiar with Tongkat Ali, go here to read all about this incredibly healthy and powerful herb.

If you already know about Tongkat Ali and are ready to take this amazing natural healer to an entirely new level, then get ready to learn about the more potent extract form of Tongkat Ali. 

Tongkat Ali (E. longifolia) and Tongkat Ali extract may sound like the same thing, but they definitely are not!

Tongkat Ali Root Extract:
Up to 200 Times More Powerful!

An extract is a very  high concentration of an herb which multiplies its potency and effectiveness.

Tongkat Ali is a relatively small tree that looks somewhat like a palm tree.  Rather than the leaves, It’s the  roots of this tree which are the valuable medicinal part of the plant.

And the Tongkat Ali root extract  takes Tongkat Ali to a whole new level of effectiveness!

What Exactly is Tongkat Ali root extract?

Tongkat Ali root is typically harvested from the ground by hand after about 5 years of growth and then boiled in water or vinegar to make an extract.  

After boiling (which can last up to 8 hours), 60-90% of the solid root waste is removed. The remaining portion is a highly concentrated extract which is then dried and ground into a powder.

When you see concentrations listed on labels such as:  50:1, 100:1, or 200:1, this simply refers to the ratio between how many pounds of Tongkat Ali root have been extracted to end up with one pound of Tongkat Ali extract.

For example, if you started with 100 pounds of the fresh root and were left with 1 pound of concentrated root after the extraction process, this is a 100:1 concentration. A  200:1 extract would be twice as potent as a 100:1 extract, and a 50:1 extract would be only half as concentrated as a 100:1 extract.

Eurycomanone: the Most Powerful Part of the Tongkat Ali Root 

Scientists have discovered over 65  important bio-active compounds in the Tongkat Ali root.  

One of these highly researched compounds in the root is a very powerful phytochemical called eurycomanone. The root from a mature 5-year old Tongkat Ali tree typically contains about 2% or slightly more eurycomanone. 

Eurycomanone is a naturally occurring phytochemical with potent, scientifically proven healing mechanisms that work by activating hormone-inducing actions in our body. Eurycomanone further increases testosterone levels, supports a healthy insulin response, can improve mental cognition, reduce food cravings, and may support a reduction in body fat. 

This unique compound is one of the reasons why Tongkat Ali is classified as a powerful healing adaptogenic herb. And now, eurycomanone is available as an extract in the highest quality Tongkat Ali supplements to make them more effective.

Does Tongkat Ali Extract Really Work?

Many scientific studies confirm the medicinal use of the Tongkat Ali extract. 

Because of Tongkat’s testosterone-increasing properties, research shows that Tongkat Ali extract can help improve athletic performance and sexual desire and performance. 

It is one of the best herbs for use as an aphrodisiac by both men and women and has been safely used this way for hundreds of years, as well as proven effective for this purpose in several research studies, such as the one below: 

100% Increased Testosterone and 40% Increased Sexual Performance

“At a research center in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, a group of men aged 31 to 52 took Tongkat Ali regularly for three consecutive weeks. The researchers found that 48 percent felt healthy, active, and energized, and 40 percent felt increased sexual desire. All the subjects showed an increase in the free testosterone index. And most subjects expressed an increase in their sexual health and performance.” 2

Tongkat Ali Extract Improved Testosterone by 37% and Reduced Tension & Anger 

“In another study, researchers tested a group taking tongkat ali extract  compared to a placebo and found that those taking tongkat ali reduced tension by 11%, reduced anger by 12% and reduced confusion by 15%. Additionally, in this same study, cortisol levels and free testosterone levels were significantly improved by tongkat ali supplementation, with reduced cortisol at -16%, increased testosterone by +37%, and overall improved cortisol/testosterone ratio -36% compared to placebo.”

Time-tested research like this and over 400 years of use show why Tongkat Ali extract is a healthy alternative for men and women who want to safely and naturally increase testosterone levels and improve their health, especially as they grow older. After all, increased testosterone levels boost sex drive, energy, strength, and muscle, improve mood and cognition, and provide many other important health benefits. 

How to Get the Best Results from Tongkat Ali

If you want to experience the best and quickest results from Tongkat Ali, then there are three essential things to  look for in a Tongkat Ali supplement:

  1. First, make sure the supplement contains Tongkat Ali root extract, not just Tongkat Ali root. 
  2. Make sure the extract is  a very high concentration, such as 200:1.  This will be twice as powerful as a 100:1 extract and four times more potent than a 50:1 extract.
  3. The supplement should also contain an extract of eurycomanone to make it an even more powerful healer and to increase other benefits you’re looking for.

If you’re looking for a Tongkat Ali supplement that meets all 3 of the important criteria above, you are invited to visit: Peak Male.


  1. Eurycomanone, the major quassinoid in Eurycoma longifolia root extract, increases spermatogenesis by inhibiting the activity of phosphodiesterase and aromatase in steroidogenesis, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23810842/.
  2. Adaptogens in Medical Herbalism – Donald R. Yance - Page 674-678
  3. H. H. Ang, S. Ikeda, and E. K. Gan, “Evaluation of the potency activity of aphrodisiac in Eurycoma longifolia Jack,” Phytotherapy Research 15(5) (2001): 435–36
  4. John D. Gimlette and H. W. Thomson, A Dictionary of Malayan Medicine (Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press, 1977), 183.
  5. Tongkat Ali Standardized Extract Improves Testosterone and Stress Hormone Balance and Mood Parameters in Subjects with Moderate Stress: https://www.herbalgram.org/resources/herbalgram/issues/101/table-of-contents/hg101-resrvw-tongkatali/

Tongkat Ali Root Extract is a concentrated form of the renowned adaptogen, promising enhanced potency and a wider spectrum of health benefits. This guide delves into the science of this potent extract, highlighting its uses from libido enhancement to athletic performance optimization. Understand the bioactive compounds and mechanisms that make Tongkat Ali Root Extract a compelling choice for those aiming to improve various aspects of their health. Whether you're seeking natural ways to boost energy, balance hormones, or achieve overall wellness, this extract provides a concentrated solution underpinned by both tradition and scientific inquiry.

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Tongkat Ali Root Extract is a concentrated form of the renowned adaptogen, promising enhanced potency and a wider spectrum of health benefits. This guide delves into the science of this potent extract, highlighting its uses from libido enhancement to athletic performance optimization. Understand the bioactive compounds and mechanisms that make Tongkat Ali Root Extract a compelling choice for those aiming to improve various aspects of their health. Whether you're seeking natural ways to boost energy, balance hormones, or achieve overall wellness, this extract provides a concentrated solution underpinned by both tradition and scientific inquiry.

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